
воскресенье, 10 марта 2019 г.

Large-print sheet music

score with big notes

Do you ever realized, how much work do our eyes do while reading notes and all the tiny symbols in  scores?
I do. I did it every time I read a new composition.
And I thought, that it would be nice to have that piece in large-type or large-print. And this is exactly what the project bestscore is aming to do for the next few moths. Especially for educational compositions of famous composers such as Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Beethoven, Czerny, Gurlitt, Turk and many other they are going to publish the large-font edition to make the proces of learning easier and helthier. The publication of new scores is already started with the Album pour la junesse Op. 140 of Cornelus Gurlitt. The sheet music is 30% larger as usual.
All the large-print sheet music can be downloaded in PDF format and printed out or used on a tablet.
As you can see above, the sheet music is sharp and big enough to read it even on Kindle.

понедельник, 1 июня 2015 г.

Chi Mai Sheet Music

An amazing Verdi's Scene for choir and a mezzo-sopran. "Aida" is one of the most successful operas worldwide.

Chi mai from Aida sheet music

This modern interpretation of the Théâtre de la Monnaie in Brussels is a real masterpiece. It was choreographed by Makram Hamdan with Costumes by Jacques Renaud. Bravo! 

суббота, 27 июля 2013 г.

Pau Casals. JS Bach Cello Solo Suite No.1

This amasing video was made when Pablo Casals was 77. One of the greatest cellists at all times, indeed. The depth of this performance is increadable. So much joy and power! Once he was asked about the reason why he was continuing to practice at his 90. The answer was: "Because I think I'm making progress". This is just coll, isn't it? Casals was not only a great musician, but also an activist and peace supporter. He made a lot for peace and human rights in the world. No matter how difficult it was, he always stood up for his ground and his principles.
He played even when the theater where the concert took place was bombed by Nazi airplanes. Casals simply stayed at the stage keeping on playing. And people didn’t leave the theater but heard further to his performance. It must have been surely one of the most impressive performances ever.

вторник, 13 марта 2012 г.

Life of Mozart. I. Childhood: Schachtner's letter

Most of the anecdotes of Mozart's childhood which testify to  his  wonderful  genius,   are   contained  in   a letter from Schachtner, which is here given entire, as the direct testimony of a contemporary.
Joh. Andre Schachtner (died 1795) had been court trumpeter at Salzburg from 1754, for which post a higher degree of musical attainment was necessary then than at the present day. He was not only a skilled musician, but displayed considerable literary cultivation, which he had obtained at the Jesuit school of Ingolstadt. The translation of a religious drama, "The Conversion of St. Augustine" from the Latin of Father Franz Neumayer, gained him the somewhat ambiguous praise of Gottsched, who writes : " We may even say that he wrote good German, nay, almost that he wrote good German poetry."29 We shall find him later acting as librettist to Mozart.

понедельник, 12 марта 2012 г.

Life of Mozart. I. Childhood: His Birth

The social relations of the Mozart family were, however, cheerful and unconstrained; their intercourse with their friends had more of innocent merriment than of intellectual enjoyment. "The Salzburg mind," says Schubart,24 "is tuned to low comedy.

суббота, 3 марта 2012 г.

Dandrieu. Pieces de Clavecin Première Livre

I have found today a high quality digital sheet music of the rare barock pieces. This is a set of pieces for Harpsichord by Dandrieu. Here is the first book. This book includes five easy to play, but at the same time interesting suites of pieces. The pieces included are: La Plaintive, L’Harmonieuse, La Languissante, La Coquète, La Musète, La Melodieuse, Les Folies Amusantes, Les Caractères de la Guerre. In the second Harpsichord suite you will find La Contrariante, L’Afligée, a Prevenante, L’Enjouée, La Gemissante, Les Tourbillons, Le Concert des Oiseaux. The third suite consists of the seven other compositions for harpsichord: Les Cascades, La Tranquile, La Fugitive, La Bouillonante, L’Agitée, Les Zèphirs, Le Timpanon. The fourth suite is the biggest and cosists of nine other pieces fun to play: Les Tendres Accen[t]s, L’Empressée, L’Afectueus, L’Agrèable, La Sensible, Les Papillons, Les Fifres, Les Chalumeaux, La Favorite. The fifths suite in opposite, is the shortest. There are only six other compositions, which for sure can be performed not only on harpsichord, but also on piano: Le Carillon, La Fastueuse, L’Heroïque, La Fête de Vilage, La Cavalcade, La Chasse. So those of you, who will like these pieces, will be quite busy next days looking through all this amount of gruppeto, trills und mordents.